About Us

Our Team | Unpollute

Unpollute Pty Ltd is a Western Australian company passionately dedicated to helping the mining industry reducing its environmental footprint and securing the future of Australian critical minerals.

Our team comprises geologists, environmental engineers and geochemists with decades of experience within the mining industry.


Mining Projects 2.0 | Unpollute

Mine tailings storage| Unpollute

Tony Pfaff,  geologist and founder of Unpollute Pty Ltd, has spent years working in the natural resources sector for environmental, geological, and geotechnical businesses. As mineral exploration becomes more costly with diminishing returns, it makes sense to return to old sites to recover those minerals which lead to pollution.

By addressing the Source-Pathway-Receptor (SPR) issue – a foundational concept in environmental remediation – we can do the right thing by the environment, and also contribute to the energy transition by recovering critical minerals.

After all, everything that is not waste is an asset.


Increase your mining project value today

We can undertake waste characterization on your project for less $ than a drilling program, with a higher chance of success. Get in touch to find out more.